Payment and FasCard Features

Payment Type

  1. FasCard ( Loyalty card program ) left arrow Recommended
    • Fast
    • Convenient
    • FasCard rewards and discount / Save money !
    • Fascard App for Android and iPhone
  2. Cash ( quarters USD)
  3. Credit card
    • Visa
    • Master Card
    • Discover
    • American Express
Credit Card


FasCard is a loyalty card program which rewards customers with discounts, bonuses, rewards and off-peak pricing.
You will need to first purchase a FasCard from the Kiosk and add funds.
Each $20 added with give you an additional $2.00. You save 10%.
All washing machines and dryers will accept FasCard
FasCard Loyalty Card

FasCard App

Read more about FasCard App Here
Login into your Fascard account Here

The FasCard App will allow you to:
Now you have a FasCard, you can add it to the FasCard phone App for Android and iPhone
Touch "SIGN UP" and follow the instructions to add your email and Loyalty Card Number
1 FasCard login 2 FasCard signup 3 FasCard regcode 4 FasCard pass 5 Loyalty Card Number
